Conheca o Google Chrome OS.
Imagine milhões de computadores sendo vendidos com um sistema operacional gratuito, com a marca do Google.
"Don't worry about those desktop apps you think you need. Office? Meh. You've got Zoho and Google Apps. You won't miss office. Chrome plus Gears plus Google Wave plus HTML 5 and web platforms like Flash and Silverlight all combine into a single wonderful computing device. The Internet Is Everything. All the OS has to do is boot the damn computer, get me to a browser as fast as possible and then stay the hell out of the way.
Chrome will do just that. And it will be free, unlike Windows. Forget the netbooks, which Google is targeting initally. We'll see PCs of all types being sold by the major manufacturers as soon as Google gets this out of beta next year. Microsoft has a very serious competitive threat to the core of their revenues. Every Chrome computer bought won't have Windows and won't have Office. That must send chills down the spine of the guys up in Redmond." (Fonte: Washington Post)
A Microsoft tem motivos para se preocupar.
Prezado Capitão:
ResponderExcluirNa verdade, nada é óbvio. Sabe o que o Linux nos fez reconhecer, rodando nos computadores mais potentes do mundo?
Que desconhecemos 95% dos elementos que compoem o Universo.
São a matéria e a energia escuras, elementos bastante estranhos que vão definir o destino final de tudo o que existe.
E interessante mas dá um certo medo ver tanto poder concentrado em uma só empresa...